Request Demo Key for Online REST API

Use this form to get a demo license key for the online HTML to PDF REST API or PDF to TEXT REST API or PDF Merge REST API.
You do not need a license key if you want to test SelectPdf Library for .NET.




SelectPdf HTML To PDF Online REST API is a professional solution that lets you create PDF from web pages and raw HTML code in your applications. The API is easy to use and the integration takes only a few lines of code.


  • Create PDF from any web page or html string.
  • Full html5/css3/javascript support.
  • Set PDF options such as page size and orientation, margins, security, web page settings.
  • Set PDF viewer options and PDF document information.
  • Create custom headers and footers for the pdf document.
  • Hide web page elements during the conversion.
  • Automatically generate bookmarks during the html to pdf conversion.
  • Support for partial page conversion.
  • Easy integration, no third party libraries needed.
  • Works in all programming languages.
  • No installation required.
SelectPdf Pdf To Text REST API is an online solution that lets you extract text from your PDF documents or search your PDF document for certain words.


  • Extract text from PDF.
  • Search PDF.
  • Specify start and end page for partial file processing.
  • Specify output format (plain text or html).
  • Use a PDF from an online location (url) or upload a local PDF document.
Use SelectPdf Software as a Service cloud based document generation in your application, no matter the programming language. SelectPdf for Cloud API supports any platform: .NET, Java, Ruby, PHP, Azure, Salesforce, and Amazon, to mention a few.