SelectPdf for .NET - Sending HTTP Cookies with Html to Pdf Converter - VB.NET / ASP.NET MVC Sample

This sample shows how to send HTTP cookies to the page that will be converted using the html to pdf converter from SelectPdf Pdf Library for .NET.

Below, there is a link to a test page that will display the HTTP cookies sent to it. Converting this page will display the cookies sent by the html to pdf converter.

Test Page


HTTP Cookies:

Name: Value:
Name: Value:
Name: Value:
Name: Value:

Sample Code VB.NET

Imports SelectPdf

Namespace Controllers
    Public Class HttpCookiesController
        Inherits Controller

        ' GET: HttpCookies
        Public Function Index() As ActionResult
            Dim url As String =
            ViewData.Add("ViewTxtUrl", (New Uri(Request.Url, url)).AbsoluteUri)
            Return View()
        End Function

        Public Function SubmitAction(fields As FormCollection) As ActionResult
            ' instantiate a html to pdf converter object
            Dim converter As New HtmlToPdf()

            ' set the HTTP cookies
            converter.Options.HttpCookies.Add(fields("TxtName1"), fields("TxtValue1"))
            converter.Options.HttpCookies.Add(fields("TxtName2"), fields("TxtValue2"))
            converter.Options.HttpCookies.Add(fields("TxtName3"), fields("TxtValue3"))
            converter.Options.HttpCookies.Add(fields("TxtName4"), fields("TxtValue4"))

            ' create a new pdf document converting an url
            Dim doc As PdfDocument = converter.ConvertUrl(fields("TxtUrl"))

            ' save pdf document
            Dim pdf As Byte() = doc.Save()

            ' close pdf document

            ' return resulted pdf document
            Dim fileResult As FileResult = New FileContentResult(pdf, "application/pdf")
            fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Document.pdf"
            Return fileResult
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace