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Pdf Library for .NET

PdfFontCollection Methods

The PdfFontCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(Font)
Adds a system font to the pdf fonts collection.
Public methodAdd(String)
Adds a system font to the pdf fonts collection. The font is loaded from the specified file.
Public methodAdd(PdfFont)
Adds a pdf font to the pdf fonts collection.
Public methodAdd(PdfFont)
Adds the specified array of pdf fonts to the pdf document fonts collection.
Public methodAdd(PdfStandardCJKFont)
Adds a standard CJK font to the pdf fonts collection.
Public methodAdd(PdfStandardFont)
Adds a standard font to the pdf fonts collection.
Public methodAdd(Font, Boolean)
Adds a system font to the pdf fonts collection.
Public methodContains
Checks if the specified font belongs to the fonts collection.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Gets the collection enumerator.
Public methodIndexOf
Returns the index of the specified font in the fonts collection.
Public methodInsert
Inserts a font to the specified index in the pdf fonts collection.
Public methodRemove
Removes the specified pdf font from the fonts collection.
See Also