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Pdf Library for .NET

PdfToText Properties

The PdfToText type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClipText
Do not return hidden text from the PDF document.
Public propertyDocumentInformation
PDF document information. This property is populated after the requested operation (GetText, GetHtml, etc) is finished.
(Inherited from PdfTool.)
Public propertyEndPageNumber
The page number where the current operation will end on the PDF file. The default value is 0 which means that all the PDF document is processed starting from the StartPageNumber page.
(Inherited from PdfTool.)
Public propertyHtmlCharset
The charset meta tag added to the generated HTML document when the GetHtml() method is used. The default value is UTF-8.
Public propertyLayout
Gets or sets the layout of the output text. The default value is Original.
Public propertyMarkPageBreaks
Insert a special character after the text extracted from each PDF page. The special character defined by the PageBreakMark property.
Public propertyPageBreakMark
Gets the page break mark character used when the MarkPageBreaks property is true.
Public propertyStartPageNumber
The page number from where the current operation will start on the PDF file. The default value is 1 which means that the operation will start from the first page.
(Inherited from PdfTool.)
Public propertyTimeout
Timeout in seconds for the current operation. Default value is 600 seconds.
(Inherited from PdfTool.)
Public propertyUserPassword
The user password to be used to open the PDF document for reading. The default value is null, which means that no password will be used to open the PDF document.
(Inherited from PdfTool.)
See Also