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Html To Pdf Converter Options Review |
Select.Pdf Html to Pdf Converter for .NET offers a lot of customization options. Most of them were described in our developer's guide.
Here is a full list with all html to pdf converter options:
Header - controls the properties of the custom header of the generated pdf document. This was covered in more details in Headers and Footers section.
Footer - controls the properties of the custom footer of the generated pdf document. This was covered in more details in Headers and Footers section.
Authentication - Handles authentication options if the web page being converted requires authentication. This was covered in more details in Web Page Authentication section.
AutoFitHeight - Specifies the html content vertical auto fit mode. This was covered in more details in Resizing Content During Conversion section.
AutoFitWidth - Specifies the html content horizontal auto fit mode. This was covered in more details in Resizing Content During Conversion section.
ColorSpace - Gets or sets the color space of the generated pdf document. This is an instance of PdfColorSpace type.
CssMediaType - Indicates what css styles are used when the web page is rendered. This was covered in more details in Media Types section.
DisplayFooter - Controls if a custom footer is displayed in the generated pdf document. This was covered in more details in Headers and Footers section.
DisplayHeader - Controls if a custom header is displayed in the generated pdf document. This was covered in more details in Headers and Footers section.
EmbedFonts - Instructs the converter to embed all the needed fonts into the pdf document or not.
ExternalLinksEnabled - Controls the rendering of external hyperlinks in pdf. This was covered in more details in Internal and External Links section.
HttpCookies - Gets the collection of custom HTTP cookies used for the conversion. This was covered in more details in HTTP Cookies section.
HttpHeaders - Get the collection of custom HTTP headers used for the conversion. This was covered in more details in HTTP Headers section.
HttpPostParameters - Gets the collection of custom HTTP POST parameters used for the conversion.. This was covered in more details in HTTP POST Request section.
InternalLinksEnabled - Controls the conversion of internal html links to internal pdf links. This was covered in more details in Internal and External Links section.
JavaScriptEnabled - Enable scripts when rendering the url or html string.
JpegCompressionEnabled - Gets or sets a flag indicating if the JPEG compression is enabled or not for the images in the generated pdf document.
JpegCompressionLevel - Gets or sets the compression level of images in the generated pdf document.
KeepImagesTogether - This property instructs the converter whether to try to avoid cutting off the images between pdf pages or not. This was covered in more details in Page Breaks section.
KeepTextsTogether - This property instructs the converter whether to try to avoid cutting off the text lines between pdf pages or not. This was covered in more details in Page Breaks section.
MarginBottom - The bottom margin of the pdf document. The margin is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch.
MarginLeft - The left margin of the pdf document. The margin is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch.
MarginRight - The right margin of the pdf document. The margin is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch.
MarginTop - The top margin of the pdf document. The margin is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch.
MaximumConcurrentConversions - This parameter must be set before the first conversion performed by the application. When this property is set with a negative value or zero, the concurrency level is maximum. The default value is 4. If the maximum number is reached and more conversion requests arrive, they will wait in a queue for an available spot.
MaxPageLoadTime - The web page navigation timeout in seconds. This was covered in more details in Conversion Delay and Timeout section.
MinPageLoadTime - An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be loaded before the web page is rendered. This was covered in more details in Conversion Delay and Timeout section.
PdfBookmarkOptions - Gets a reference to the object that controls the bookmarks creation for the generated pdf document. This was covered in more details in Automatic Bookmarks section.
PdfCompressionLevel - This property controls the compression level of the generated pdf document.
PdfDocumentInformation - Gets a reference to the object that specifies the generated pdf document properties. This was covered in more details in Pdf Document Properties section.
PdfPageCustomSize - This property can be used to specify a custom pdf document page size. This was covered in more details in Setting Pdf Page Properties section.
PdfPageOrientation - This property controls the page orientation of the generated pdf document pages. This was covered in more details in Setting Pdf Page Properties section.
PdfPageSize - This property controls the size of the generated document pages. This was covered in more details in Setting Pdf Page Properties section.
PdfStandard - Defines the pdf standard used by the generated pdf document. This is an instance of PdfStandard type.
PluginsEnabled - A flag indicating if plugins (like Flash players) are enabled in the converter.
ProxyOptions - Gets a reference to an object containing the proxy settings used to access the web page that is being converted. This was covered in more details in Proxy Options section.
SecurityOptions - Gets a reference to the object that specifies the generated pdf document security settings. This was covered in more details in Pdf Security Settings section.
ViewerPreferences - Controls how the pdf document will appear in a pdf viewer (like Adobe Reader). This was covered in more details in Pdf Viewer Preferences section.
WebPageFixedSize - Controls whether the web page is rendered with a fixed size internal browser or the size automatically extends to make the whole content visible This was covered in more details in Resizing Content During Conversion section.
WebPageHeight - Gets or sets the height of the converted web page as it would appear in the internal browser used to render the html. This was covered in more details in Resizing Content During Conversion section.
WebPageWidth - Gets or sets the width of the converted web page as it would appear in the internal browser used to render the html. This was covered in more details in Resizing Content During Conversion section.