SelectPdf.Api Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ApiClient |
Base class for API clients. Do not use this directly.
| |
ApiException |
Exception thrown by SelectPdf API Client.
| |
AsyncJobClient |
Get the result of an asynchronous call.
| |
HtmlToPdfClient |
Html To Pdf Conversion with SelectPdf Online API.
| |
PdfMergeClient |
Pdf Merge with SelectPdf Online API.
| |
PdfToTextClient |
Pdf To Text Conversion with SelectPdf Online API.
| |
TextPosition |
The text position in a PDF document.
| |
UsageClient |
Get usage details for SelectPdf Online API.
| |
UsageInformation |
SelectPdf API usage information.
| |
UsageMonthlyDetails |
SelectPdf API monthly usage information.
| |
WebElement |
Represents the mapping of a HTML element in the PDF document as collection of PDF
rectangles. A HTML element can span on many pages in the generated PDF document
and therefore, in general, many PDF rectangles are necessary to completely describe
the mapping of a HTML element in PDF.
| |
WebElementPdfRectangle |
Represents the rectangle occupied by a HTML element in a page of the generated PDF document.
| |
WebElementsClient |
Get the locations of certain web elements. This is retrieved if pdf_web_elements_selectors parameter was set during the initial conversion call and elements were found to match the selectors.
Enumeration | Description | |
OutputFormat |
The output format (for pdf to text calls).
| |
PageLayout |
The page layout to be used when the pdf document is opened in a viewer.
| |
PageMode |
The PDF document's page mode.
| |
PageNumbersAlignment |
Alignment for page numbers.
| |
PageOrientation |
PDF page orientation.
| |
PageSize |
PDF page size.
| |
RenderingEngine |
Rendering engine used for HTML to PDF conversion.
| |
SecureProtocol |
Protocol used for secure (HTTPS) connections.
| |
StartupMode |
Specifies the converter startup mode.
| |
TextLayout |
The output text layout (for pdf to text calls).