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Welcome to SelectPdf Online API - Client Library for .NET

SelectPdf Online REST API is a professional solution for managing PDF documents online. It now has a dedicated, easy to use, .NET client library that can be setup in minutes.


Download, unzip it and add a reference to SelectPdf.Api.dll to your project.


Install SelectPdf .NET Client for Online API via Nuget: SelectPdf API on Nuget.

Install-Package SelectPdf.Api -Version 1.4.0


Clone selectpdf-api-dotnet-client from Github and build the library.

git clone
cd selectpdf-api-dotnet-client

SelectPdf HTML To PDF Online REST API is a professional solution that lets you create PDF from web pages and raw HTML code in your applications. The API is easy to use and the integration takes only a few lines of code.


  • Create PDF from any web page or html string.

  • Full html5/css3/javascript support.

  • Set PDF options such as page size and orientation, margins, security, web page settings.

  • Set PDF viewer options and PDF document information.

  • Create custom headers and footers for the pdf document.

  • Hide web page elements during the conversion.

  • Automatically generate bookmarks during the html to pdf conversion.

  • Support for partial page conversion.

  • Easy integration, no third party libraries needed.

  • Works in all programming languages.

Sign up for for free to get instant API access to SelectPdf HTML to PDF API. Take a look at HtmlToPdfClient for a full list of API parameters.

Sample Code

using System;
using SelectPdf.Api;

namespace SelectPdf.Api.Tests
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string url = "";
            string localFile = "Test.pdf";
            string apiKey = "Your API key here";

            Console.WriteLine("This is SelectPdf-{0}.", ApiClient.CLIENT_VERSION);

                HtmlToPdfClient client = new HtmlToPdfClient(apiKey);

                // set parameters - see full list at
                    // main properties

                    .setPageSize(PageSize.A4) // PDF page size
                    .setPageOrientation(PageOrientation.Portrait) // PDF page orientation
                    .setMargins(0) // PDF page margins
                    .setRenderingEngine(RenderingEngine.WebKit) // rendering engine
                    .setConversionDelay(1) // conversion delay
                    .setNavigationTimeout(30) // navigation timeout 
                    .setShowPageNumbers(false) // page numbers
                    .setPageBreaksEnhancedAlgorithm(true) // enhanced page break algorithm

                    // additional properties

                    // .setUseCssPrint(true) // enable CSS media print
                    // .setDisableJavascript(true) // disable javascript
                    // .setDisableInternalLinks(true) // disable internal links
                    // .setDisableExternalLinks(true) // disable external links
                    // .setKeepImagesTogether(true) // keep images together
                    // .setScaleImages(true) // scale images to create smaller pdfs
                    // .setSinglePagePdf(true) // generate a single page PDF
                    // .setUserPassword("password") // secure the PDF with a password

                    // generate automatic bookmarks

                    // .setPdfBookmarksSelectors("H1, H2") // create outlines (bookmarks) for the specified elements
                    // .setViewerPageMode(PageMode.UseOutlines) // display outlines (bookmarks) in viewer

                Console.WriteLine("Starting conversion ...");

                // convert url to file
                client.convertUrlToFile(url, localFile);

                // convert url to memory
                // byte[] pdf = client.convertUrl(url);

                // convert html string to file
                // client.convertHtmlStringToFile("This is some <b xmlns="">html</b>.", localFile);

                // convert html string to memory
                // byte[] pdf = client.convertHtmlString("This is some <b xmlns="">html</b>.");

                Console.WriteLine("Finished! Number of pages: {0}.", client.getNumberOfPages());

                // get API usage
                UsageClient usageClient = new UsageClient(apiKey);
                UsageInformation usage = usageClient.getUsage(false);
                Console.WriteLine("Conversions remained this month: {0}.", usage.Available);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);
Pdf Merge API - .NET Client

SelectPdf Pdf Merge REST API is an online solution that lets you merge local or remote PDFs into a final PDF document.


  • Merge local PDF document.

  • Merge remote PDF from public url.

  • Set PDF viewer options and PDF document information.

  • Secure generated PDF with a password.

  • Works in all programming languages.

See PdfMergeClient or PDF Merge API page for full list of parameters.

Sample Code

using System;
using SelectPdf.Api;

namespace SelectPdf.Api.Tests
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string testUrl = "";
            string testPdf = "Input.pdf";
            string localFile = "Result.pdf";
            string apiKey = "Your API key here";

            Console.WriteLine("This is SelectPdf-{0}.", ApiClient.CLIENT_VERSION);

                PdfMergeClient client = new PdfMergeClient(apiKey);

                // set parameters - see full list at
                    // specify the pdf files that will be merged (order will be preserved in the final pdf)

                    .addFile(testPdf) // add PDF from local file
                    .addUrlFile(testUrl) // add PDF From public url
                    // .addFile(testPdf, "pdf_password") // add PDF (that requires a password) from local file
                    // .addUrlFile(testUrl, "pdf_password") // add PDF (that requires a password) from public url

                Console.WriteLine("Starting pdf merge ...");

                // merge pdfs to local file

                // merge pdfs to memory
                // byte[] pdf =;

                Console.WriteLine("Finished! Number of pages: {0}.", client.getNumberOfPages());

                // get API usage
                UsageClient usageClient = new UsageClient(apiKey);
                UsageInformation usage = usageClient.getUsage(false);
                Console.WriteLine("Conversions remained this month: {0}.", usage.Available);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);
Pdf To Text API - .NET Client

SelectPdf Pdf To Text REST API is an online solution that lets you extract text from your PDF documents or search your PDF document for certain words.


  • Extract text from PDF.

  • Search PDF.

  • Specify start and end page for partial file processing.

  • Specify output format (plain text or html).

  • Use a PDF from an online location (url) or upload a local PDF document.

See PdfToTextClient or PDF To TEXT API page for full list of parameters.

Sample Code - Pdf To Text

using System;
using SelectPdf.Api;

namespace SelectPdf.Api.Tests
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string testUrl = "";
            string testPdf = "Input.pdf";
            string localFile = "Result.txt";
            string apiKey = "Your API key here";

            Console.WriteLine("This is SelectPdf-{0}.", ApiClient.CLIENT_VERSION);

                PdfToTextClient client = new PdfToTextClient(apiKey);

                // set parameters - see full list at
                    .setStartPage(1) // start page (processing starts from here)
                    .setEndPage(0) // end page (set 0 to process file til the end)
                    .setOutputFormat(OutputFormat.Text) // set output format (0-Text or 1-HTML)

                Console.WriteLine("Starting pdf to text ...");

                // convert local pdf to local text file
                client.getTextFromFileToFile(testPdf, localFile);

                // extract text from local pdf to memory
                // string text = client.getTextFromFile(testPdf);
                // print text
                // Console.WriteLine(text);

                // convert pdf from public url to local text file
                // client.getTextFromUrlToFile(testUrl, localFile);

                // extract text from pdf from public url to memory
                // string text = client.getTextFromUrl(testUrl);
                // print text
                // Console.WriteLine(text);

                Console.WriteLine("Finished! Number of pages processed: {0}.", client.getNumberOfPages());

                // get API usage
                UsageClient usageClient = new UsageClient(apiKey);
                UsageInformation usage = usageClient.getUsage(false);
                Console.WriteLine("Conversions remained this month: {0}.", usage.Available);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);

Sample Code - Search Pdf

using System;
using SelectPdf.Api;

namespace SelectPdf.Api.Tests
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string testUrl = "";
            string testPdf = "Input.pdf";
            string apiKey = "Your API key here";

            Console.WriteLine("This is SelectPdf-{0}.", ApiClient.CLIENT_VERSION);

                PdfToTextClient client = new PdfToTextClient(apiKey);

                // set parameters - see full list at
                    .setStartPage(1) // start page (processing starts from here)
                    .setEndPage(0) // end page (set 0 to process file til the end)
                    .setOutputFormat(OutputFormat.Text) // set output format (0-Text or 1-HTML)

                Console.WriteLine("Starting search pdf ...");

                // search local pdf
                IList&TextPosition> results = client.searchFile(testPdf, "pdf");

                // search pdf from public url
                // IList&TextPosition> results = client.searchUrl(testUrl, "pdf");

                Console.WriteLine("Search results:\n{0}\nSearch results count: {1}.", string.Join("\n", results), results.Count);

                Console.WriteLine("Finished! Number of pages processed: {0}.", client.getNumberOfPages());

                // get API usage
                UsageClient usageClient = new UsageClient(apiKey);
                UsageInformation usage = usageClient.getUsage(false);
                Console.WriteLine("Conversions remained this month: {0}.", usage.Available);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);
See Also