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PdfHtmlElement Properties

The PdfHtmlElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowContentHeightResize
A flag used only by WebKitRestricted or Blink engine indicating if the content height can be recalculated to better fit the page. This can introduce certain errors in some cases. The default is True. Set it to False if content is split to more pages than expected.
Public propertyAuthentication
Handles authentication options if the web page being converted requires authentication.
Public propertyAutoFitHeight
Specifies the vertical auto fit mode.
Public propertyAutoFitWidth
Specifies the horizontal auto fit mode.
Public propertyBackColor
Gets or sets the pdf element background color.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyBlending
Gets or sets the blending mode for transparent rendering of the pdf element.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyBlinkEngineLaunchMaxTries
Blink engine process launch tries.
Public propertyBlinkEngineLaunchTimeout
Blink engine process launch timeout.
Public propertyBlinkEnginePath
Gets or sets the full path (excluding the chrome.exe file name) of the Blink html rendering engine binaries.
Public propertyBlinkEngineTemporaryFilesPath
Gets or sets the full path of a folder where Blink html rendering engine will write temporary files.
Public propertyClickElementsDelayAfter
Delay in miliseconds, after element click.
Public propertyClickElementsDelayBefore
Delay in miliseconds, before element click.
Public propertyClickElementsSelectors
Specifies elements from the web page that will be clicked before converting the page.
Public propertyColorSpace
Gets or sets the color space for the pdf element rendering.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyConsoleLog
Returns the console log of the browser used to render the web page.
Public propertyCssMediaType
Indicates what css styles are used when the web page is rendered.
Public propertyCustomCSS
Use this property to specify some CSS styles that will be injected into the page that is converted.
Public propertyDenyLocalFileAccess
A flag indicating if local files can be loaded during the conversion. The default value is False and local files can be loaded.
Public propertyDisplayCutText
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the text that is out of the calculated rendering rectangle is displayed or not.
Public propertyDisplayFooterOnEvenPages
Controls the visibility of the document footer on the even numbered pages generated by this pdf element.
Public propertyDisplayFooterOnOddPages
Controls the visibility of the document footer on the odd numbered pages generated by this pdf element.
Public propertyDisplayHeaderOnEvenPages
Controls the visibility of the document header on the even numbered pages generated by this pdf element.
Public propertyDisplayHeaderOnOddPages
Controls the visibility of the document header on the odd numbered pages generated by this pdf element.
Public propertyDrawBackground
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the web page background is rendered in pdf.
Public propertyEmbedFonts
Instructs the converter to embed all the needed fonts into the pdf document or not.
Public propertyExternalBrowserEndpoint
External browser service.
Public propertyExternalLinksEnabled
Controls the rendering of external hyperlinks in pdf.
Public propertyForeColor
Gets or sets the pdf element foreground color.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyGradient
Gets or sets the gradient used to fill a shape.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyHiddenWebElements
Gets a reference to the object that controls the visibility of some web elements in the generated pdf document.
Public propertyHttpCookies
Gets the collection of custom HTTP cookies used for the conversion.
Public propertyHttpHeaders
Get the collection of custom HTTP headers used for the conversion.
Public propertyHttpPostParameters
Gets the collection of custom HTTP POST parameters used for the conversion.
Public propertyInternalLinksEnabled
Controls the conversion of internal html links to internal pdf links.
Public propertyJavaScriptEnabled
Enable scripts when rendering the url or html string.
Public propertyKeepImagesTogether
This property instructs the converter whether to try to avoid cutting off the images between pdf pages or not.
Public propertyKeepTextsTogether
This property instructs the converter whether to try to avoid cutting off the text lines between pdf pages or not.
Public propertyLazyImagesLoadingDelay
Delay per page, in miliseconds, for lazy images loading.
Public propertyLazyImagesLoadingEnabled
Enables a delay mechanism to allow images to fully load.
Public propertyLFN
Internal use only.
Public propertyLineStyle
Gets or sets the line style for pdf elements rendering lines.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyLoginOptions
Handle custom page login.
Public propertyMaxPageLoadTime
The web page navigation timeout in seconds.
Public propertyMinPageLoadTime
An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be loaded before the web page is rendered.
Public propertyPageBreaksEnhancedAlgorithm
Gets or sets a flag indicating if an enhanced custom page breaks algorithm is used. The enhanced algorithm is a little bit slower but it will prevent the appearance of hidden text in the PDF when custom page breaks are used.
Public propertyPdfBookmarkOptions
Gets a reference to the object that controls the bookmarks creation for the generated pdf document.
Public propertyPdfPagesRectangles
The size and position of the html content rendered in all pages of the pdf document.
Public propertyPluginsEnabled
A flag indicating if plugins (like Flash players) are enabled in the converter.
Public propertyPostLoadingScript
Use this property to specify some JavaScript code that will be injected into the page that is converted and executed after the page was fully loaded.
Public propertyPostLoadingScriptDelayAfter
Delay in miliseconds, after post page loading javascript injection.
Public propertyProxyOptions
Gets a reference to an object containing the proxy settings used to access the web page that is being converted.
Public propertyRenderingEngine
Gets or sets the rendering engine used by the converter to load and render the HTML. The possible values are WebKit, WebKitRestricted and Blink. The Webkit rendering engine is internal and renders similar to Apple's Safari. For Blink, Chromium binaries must be also installed.
Public propertyRenderPageOnTimeout
A flag indicating if the page is rendered even if a navigation timeout occurs. The default value is False and a navigation timeout exception is raised.
Public propertyRotated
A flag to indicate if the current pdf element was rotated.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyScaled
A flag to indicate if the current pdf element was scaled.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyScaleImages
A flag indicating if the images from the page are scaled during the conversion process. The default value is False and images are not scaled.
Public propertySecureProtocol
Protocol used for secure (HTTPS) connections.
Public propertySkewed
A flag to indicate if the current pdf element was skewed.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyStartupMode
Use this property to specify how the conversion starts.
Public propertyStartupScript
Use this property to specify some JavaScript code that will be injected into the page that is converted.
Public propertyTranslated
A flag to indicate if the current pdf element was translated.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyTransparency
Gets or sets the pdf element transparency.
(Inherited from PdfElement.)
Public propertyVisibleWebElementId
Use this property to convert only a certain section of the page, specified by the html element ID.
Public propertyWebPageFixedSize
Controls whether the web page is rendered with a fixed size internal browser or the size automatically extends to make the whole content visible.
Public propertyWebPageHeight
Gets or sets the height of the converted web page as it would appear in the internal browser used to render the html.
Public propertyWebPageInformation
Gets an object populated after conversion with the title, keywords and description of the converted web page.
Public propertyWebPageWidth
Gets or sets the width of the converted web page as it would appear in the internal browser used to render the html.
See Also