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Pdf Library for .NET

SelectPdf Namespace

SelectPdf offers an API to create, modify, merge, split pdf documents. It also contains a powerful html to pdf converter that supports modern html5/css3.
Public classDocumentInformation
PDF document properties. This is used by PdfTool related classes (PdfToText, PdfRasterizer, etc).
Public classGlobalProperties
Global properties for SelectPdf SDK.
Public classHiddenWebElements
Helps defining a set of html elements that will not be displayed in the generated pdf document.
Public classHtmlToImage
Html to Image Converter. This class offers the API needed to create images in various formats from a specified web page or html string.
Public classCode exampleHtmlToPdf
Html To Pdf Converter. This class offers the API needed to convert any web page url or html string to pdf.
Public classHtmlToPdfAuthenticationOptions
Authentication options needed when the web page to be converted requires authentication.
Public classHtmlToPdfDocumentInformation
This class provides the possibility to control the pdf document properties.
Public classHtmlToPdfException
Exception thrown by the html to pdf converter related objects.
Public classHtmlToPdfOptions
This class contains various options used for the html to pdf conversion.
Public classHtmlToPdfProxyOptions
The proxy settings used to resolve the HTTP requests.
Public classHtmlToPdfResult
Offers information about the html to pdf conversion process.
Public classHtmlToPdfViewerPreferences
The pdf viewer preferences. Controls how the pdf document appears in a pdf viewer (like Adobe Reader).
Public classLoginOptions
This class contains options that are used to handle login pages.
Public classPdfAction
Base class for the pdf actions.
Public classPdfActionGoTo
Represents a Go To action in a pdf document.
Public classPdfActionJavaScript
Represents a JavaScript action in a pdf document.
Public classPdfAnnotationElement
Represents a text annotation in a pdf document.
Public classPdfBezierCurveElement
Represents a Bezier curve drawn in a pdf document.
Public classPdfBookmark
Represents a bookmark in a pdf document.
Public classPdfBookmarkOptions
Helps defining a set of html elements that will be associated with bookmarks in the generated pdf document.
Public classPdfBookmarksCollection
Represents the collection of bookmarks in a pdf document.
Public classPdfCanvas
Base class for classes that can render pdf page elements.
Public classPdfCircleElement
Represents a circle shape drawn in a pdf document.
Public classPdfColor
Represents a pdf color.
Public classPdfCustomPageSize
The pdf page size expressed in points.
Public classPdfDestination
Represents a destination in a pdf document.
Public classPdfDigitalCertificate
This class represents a certificate used for digital signatures in a pdf document.
Public classPdfDigitalCertificatesCollection
Represents a collection of digital certificates that can be used to sign a pdf document.
Public classPdfDigitalCertificatesStore
Provides an interface for getting digital certificates from system certificates store or from a password protected PKCS#12 file.
Public classPdfDigitalSignatureElement
Represents a digital signature in a document.
Public classPdfDocument
Represents a pdf document.
Public classPdfDocumentException
Exception thrown by the pdf document related objects.
Public classPdfDocumentInformation
This class provides the possibility to control the pdf document properties.
Public classPdfDocumentOpenAction
Encapsulates an action to be performed when the pdf document is opened.
Public classPdfDocumentSecurity
This class provides the options to control the pdf document security.
Public classPdfElement
The base class for some graphic elements from a pdf document.
Public classPdfEllipseArcElement
Represents an ellipse arc element drawn in a pdf document.
Public classPdfEllipseElement
Represents an ellipse shape drawn in a pdf document.
Public classPdfEllipseSliceElement
Represents a slice from an ellipse drawn in a pdf document.
Public classPdfExternalFileElement
Represents a link to an external file in a pdf document.
Public classPdfExternalLinkElement
Represents a link to an external url in a pdf document.
Public classPdfFileAttachmentElement
Represents a file attachment in a pdf document.
Public classPdfFont
Represents a font in a pdf document.
Public classPdfFontCollection
Represents a collection of fonts in a pdf document.
Public classPdfFooter
Handles the properties of the footer of the generated pdf document.
Public classPdfFormField
Base class for a pdf form field.
Public classPdfFormFieldCheckBox
Class for a pdf form check box field.
Public classPdfFormFieldComboBox
Class for a pdf form combo box field.
Public classPdfFormFieldListBox
Class for a pdf form list box field.
Public classPdfFormFieldRadioButtonList
Class for a pdf form radio button list field.
Public classPdfFormFieldsCollection
Represents the collection of pdf form fields.
Public classPdfFormFieldTextBox
Class for a pdf form text box field.
Public classPdfFormFieldWidget
Represents the widget associated with a pdf form field.
Public classPdfFormFieldWidgetsCollection
Represents the collection of the widgets associated with a pdf form field.
Public classCode examplePdfFormManager
This class provides the options to control the pdf document form fields. It can be used to fill the existing form fields and save the pdf document.
Public classPdfGradient
Defines a brush used to fill a space.
Public classPdfHeader
Handles the properties of the header of the generated pdf document.
Public classPdfHtmlElement
Represents a html element that can be added to a pdf document.
Public classPdfHtmlSection
Represents a html element that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document.
Public classPdfImageElement
Represents an image that can be added to a pdf document.
Public classPdfImageSection
Represents an image that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document.
Public classPdfInternalLinkElement
Represents an internal link in a pdf document.
Public classPdfLineElement
Represents a line drawn in a pdf document.
Public classPdfLineStyle
The line style for pdf graphic elements that draw lines.
Public classPdfManager
Helper class for Manager classes (PdfSecurityManager, PdfFormManager, PdfPortfolioManager, PdfResizeManager, etc). Should not be used directly.
Public classPdfMargins
Represents the settings for a pdf page margins.
Public classPdfMergeManager
Merge two or more PDF documents into a final PDF.
Public classPdfPage
Represents a page in a pdf document.
Public classPdfPageCollection
Represents the collection of pages in a pdf document.
Public classPdfPageElement
The base class for all graphic elements from a pdf document.
Public classPdfPolygonElement
Represents a polygon drawn in a pdf document.
Public classPdfPortfolioFile
Manage a pdf portfolio embedded file.
Public classPdfPortfolioFilesCollection
Manage pdf portfolio embedded files.
Public classCode examplePdfPortfolioManager
Manage pdf portfolio. Can be used to transform an existing pdf regular file into a pdf portfolio, create a new pdf portfolio or manage an existing pdf portfolio.
Public classPdfPrinter
Send PDF documents to printer.
Public classPdfPrinterAfterPagePrintingEventArgs
Provides the data for the AfterPagePrinting event.
Public classPdfPrinterBeforePagePrintingEventArgs
Provides the data for the BeforePagePrinting event.
Public classPdfPrinterException
Exception thrown by PdfPrinter.
Public classPdfRasterizer
Convert PDF document pages to images.
Public classPdfRasterizerException
Exception thrown by PdfRasterizer.
Public classPdfRectangleElement
Represents a rectangle drawn in a pdf document.
Public classPdfRenderingResult
The result of adding a pdf element to a pdf page or template.
Public classPdfResizeManager
Resize existing PDF documents. Can be used to modify existing PDF documents, to resize the content and create space for margins, change page size or orientation.
Public classPdfSectionElement
The base class for pdf elements that can be added to header and footer of a pdf document.
Public classCode examplePdfSecurityManager
This class provides the options to control the pdf document security. It can also be used to add digital signatures to the pdf document.
Public classPdfSecurityOptions
This class provides the options to control the pdf document security.
Public classPdfSoundLinkElement
Represents a link to an external sound file in a pdf document.
Public classPdfTemplate
Represents a template in a pdf document. A template contains elements that are repeated on each page of the pdf document.
Public classPdfTemplateCollection
Represents the collection of pages in a pdf document. A pdf template is repeated on each page of the pdf document.
Public classPdfTextElement
Represents a text that can be added to a pdf document.
Public classPdfTextElementRenderingResult
The result of adding a pdf text element to a pdf page or template.
Public classPdfTextSection
Represents a text that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document.
Public classPdfTool
Base class for pdf tools classes (PdfToText, PdfRasterizer, etc). Should not be used directly.
Public classPdfToText
Extract text from PDF documents. Search PDF document for a specific text.
Public classPdfToTextException
Exception thrown by PdfToText.
Public classPdfViewerPreferences
The pdf viewer preferences. Controls how the pdf document appears in a pdf viewer (like Adobe Reader).
Public classTextPosition
The text position in a PDF document.
Public classTimeStampAuthority
Time Stamp Server details.
Public classWebElement
Represents the mapping of a HTML element in the PDF document as collection of PDF rectangles. A HTML element can span on many pages in the generated PDF document and therefore, in general, many PDF rectangles are necessary to completely describe the mapping of a HTML element in PDF.
Public classWebElementPdfRectangle
Represents the rectangle occupied by a HTML element in a page of the generated PDF document.
Public classWebElementsCollection
Represents a collection of mappings of HTML elements in PDF.
Public classWebElementsMappingOptions
Helps retrieving the positions of a list of html elements in the generated pdf document.
Public classWebPageInformation
This class provides information about the converted web page (title, description, keywords).
Public enumerationHtmlToPdfCssMediaType
Specifies what css styles are loaded when the html is rendered
Public enumerationHtmlToPdfPageFitMode
Specifies how the html content is rendered in a pdf page.
Public enumerationHtmlToPdfStartupMode
Specifies the converter startup mode.
Public enumerationNetworkProxyType
The list of available proxy types used by the converter to resolve HTTP requests.
Public enumerationPdfAnnotationIcon
Defines a set of text annotation types.
Public enumerationPdfBlending
The blending settings for transparent renderings in a pdf document.
Public enumerationPdfBookmarkStyle
The pdf bookmark text style.
Public enumerationPdfCertificateSystem
The types of system certificates stores.
Public enumerationPdfColorSpace
The list of possible color spaces for the pdf document.
Public enumerationPdfCompressionLevel
The pdf document compression level.
Public enumerationPdfDestinationFitMode
Specifies the auto-fit mode for a PdfDestination object.
Public enumerationPdfEncryptionAlgorithm
The encryption algorithm.
Public enumerationPdfEncryptionKeySize
The length of the pdf encryption key.
Public enumerationPdfFontType
The list of supported fonts for the header and footer
Public enumerationPdfGradientDirection
The direction of the pdf gradient brush.
Public enumerationPdfHorizontalAlign
Specifies horizontal alignment.
Public enumerationPdfLineCapStyle
The line cap styles in a pdf document.
Public enumerationPdfLineDashStyle
Specifies the style of a dashed line in a pdf document.
Public enumerationPdfLineJoinStyle
Line join styles in a pdf document.
Public enumerationPdfPageOrientation
The list of pdf pages available orientations.
Public enumerationPdfPageRotation
Standard rotation angles for pdf pages.
Public enumerationPdfPageSize
The list of pdf standard page sizes.
Public enumerationPdfPortfolioViewMode
Pdf portfolio view mode.
Public enumerationPdfPrinterPageOrientation
Defines printed page orientations.
Public enumerationPdfPrinterPageSizing
Defines the page sizings for printing.
Public enumerationPdfRasterizerColorSpace
The generated images color space.
Public enumerationPdfStandard
The list of pdf standards available.
Public enumerationPdfStandardCJKFont
The Korean-Japanesse-Chinese (CJK) predefined fonts.
Public enumerationPdfStandardFont
Standard PDF font families.
Public enumerationPdfTemplateAnchoring
The anchoring position of a pdf template.
Public enumerationPdfTemplateDocking
The docking style of a pdf template.
Public enumerationPdfTextHorizontalAlign
Specifies horizontal alignment of text.
Public enumerationPdfTextVerticalAlign
Specifies vertical alignment of text.
Public enumerationPdfVerticalAlign
Specifies vertical alignment.
Public enumerationPdfViewerFullScreenExitMode
Specifies how to display the pdf document on exiting full-screen mode.
Public enumerationPdfViewerPageLayout
Specifies the page layout to be used when the pdf document is opened in a viewer.
Public enumerationPdfViewerPageMode
Specifies the pdf document's page mode.
Public enumerationPdfViewerTextOrder
Used in pdf document viewer preferences to specify the reading order for texts.
Public enumerationRenderingEngine
Specifies the rendering engine used by the converter to load and render the HTML.
Public enumerationSecureProtocol
Protocol used for secure (HTTPS) connections.
Public enumerationTextLayout
The output text layout.