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Pdf Library for .NET

PdfDocumentInformation Class

This class provides the possibility to control the pdf document properties.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SelectPdf
Assembly:  Select.Pdf (in Select.Pdf.dll) Version: 24.1
public class PdfDocumentInformation

The PdfDocumentInformation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthor
Gets or sets the name of the pdf document author.
Public propertyCreationDate
Gets or sets the date and time when the pdf document was created.
Public propertyKeywords
Gets or sets the pdf document keywords.
Public propertyLanguage
Gets or sets the default language of the pdf document.
Public propertySubject
Gets or sets the subject of the pdf document.
Public propertyTitle
Gets or sets the pdf document title.
Using this class, the pdf document properties (author, title, keywords, etc) can be controlled.
See Also