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Pdf Library for .NET

PdfTextElementRenderingResult Class

The result of adding a pdf text element to a pdf page or template.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SelectPdf
Assembly:  Select.Pdf (in Select.Pdf.dll) Version: 24.1
public class PdfTextElementRenderingResult : PdfRenderingResult

The PdfTextElementRenderingResult type exposes the following members.

Public propertyPdfPageLastIndex
The index of the pdf page where the rendering of the page element ended.
(Inherited from PdfRenderingResult.)
Public propertyPdfPageLastRectangle
The bounds inside the pdf page where the rendering of the page element ended.
(Inherited from PdfRenderingResult.)
Public propertyRemainingText
Gets the text that was not rendered from the initial text specified by the PdfTextElement object.
See Also