Sample Code VB.NET
Imports SelectPdf Namespace Controllers Public Class PdfResizeController Inherits Controller ' GET: /PdfResize/ Public Function Index() As ActionResult Return View() End Function <HttpPost> _ Public Function SubmitAction(collection As FormCollection) As ActionResult ' the test file Dim filePdf As String = Server.MapPath("~/files/selectpdf.pdf") ' settings Dim pdf_page_size As String = collection("DdlPageSize") Dim pdfSize As PdfPageSize = DirectCast( [Enum].Parse(GetType(PdfPageSize), pdf_page_size, True), PdfPageSize) Dim pageSize As PdfCustomPageSize = PdfCustomPageSize.A4 Select Case pdfSize Case PdfPageSize.A1 pageSize = PdfCustomPageSize.A1 Exit Select Case PdfPageSize.A2 pageSize = PdfCustomPageSize.A2 Exit Select Case PdfPageSize.A3 pageSize = PdfCustomPageSize.A3 Exit Select Case PdfPageSize.A5 pageSize = PdfCustomPageSize.A5 Exit Select Case PdfPageSize.Letter pageSize = PdfCustomPageSize.Letter Exit Select Case PdfPageSize.HalfLetter pageSize = PdfCustomPageSize.HalfLetter Exit Select Case PdfPageSize.Ledger pageSize = PdfCustomPageSize.Ledger Exit Select Case PdfPageSize.Legal pageSize = PdfCustomPageSize.Legal Exit Select End Select Dim pdf_orientation As String = collection("DdlPageOrientation") Dim pdfOrientation As PdfPageOrientation = DirectCast( [Enum].Parse(GetType(PdfPageOrientation), pdf_orientation, True), PdfPageOrientation) Dim topMargin As Integer = 0 Try topMargin = Int32.Parse(collection("TxtTopMargin")) Catch End Try Dim rightMargin As Integer = 0 Try rightMargin = Int32.Parse(collection("TxtRightMargin")) Catch End Try Dim bottomMargin As Integer = 0 Try bottomMargin = Int32.Parse(collection("TxtBottomMargin")) Catch End Try Dim leftMargin As Integer = 0 Try leftMargin = Int32.Parse(collection("TxtLeftMargin")) Catch End Try Dim horizontal_align As String = collection("DdlHorizontalAlign") Dim pdfHorizontalAlign As PdfHorizontalAlign = DirectCast( [Enum].Parse(GetType(PdfHorizontalAlign), horizontal_align, True), PdfHorizontalAlign) Dim vertical_align As String = collection("DdlVerticalAlign") Dim pdfVerticalAlign As PdfVerticalAlign = DirectCast( [Enum].Parse(GetType(PdfVerticalAlign), vertical_align, True), PdfVerticalAlign) ' resize the content Dim resizer As New PdfResizeManager() resizer.Load(filePdf) resizer.PageMargins = New PdfMargins( leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin) resizer.PageSize = pageSize resizer.PageOrientation = pdfOrientation resizer.AllowScale = collection("ChkAllowScaling") = "on" resizer.KeepAspectRatio = collection("ChkKeepAspectRatio") = "on" resizer.HorizontalAlign = pdfHorizontalAlign resizer.VerticalAlign = pdfVerticalAlign ' save pdf document Dim pdf As Byte() = resizer.Save() ' close pdf document resizer.Close() ' return resulted pdf document Dim fileResult As FileResult = New FileContentResult(pdf, "application/pdf") fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Document.pdf" Return fileResult End Function End Class End Namespace