Sample Code VB.NET
Imports SelectPdf Namespace Controllers Public Class SearchPdfTextController Inherits Controller ' GET: SearchPdfText Function Index() As ActionResult Return View() End Function <HttpPost> Public Function SubmitAction(collection As FormCollection) As ActionResult ' the test file Dim filePdf As String = Server.MapPath("~/files/selectpdf.pdf") ' settings Dim caseSensitive As Boolean = collection("ChkCaseSensitive") = "on" Dim wholeWordsOnly As Boolean = collection("ChkWholeWordsOnly") = "on" ' instantiate a pdf to text converter object Dim pdfToText As New PdfToText() ' load PDF file pdfToText.Load(filePdf) ' search for text and retrieve all found text positions Dim positions As TextPosition() = pdfToText.Search( collection("TxtSearchText"), caseSensitive, wholeWordsOnly) ' open the existing PDF document in editing mode Dim doc As New PdfDocument(filePdf) ' highlight the found text in the existing PDF document For i As Integer = 0 To positions.Length - 1 Dim position As TextPosition = DirectCast(positions(i), TextPosition) Dim page As PdfPage = doc.Pages(position.PageNumber - 1) Dim rect As New PdfRectangleElement( position.X, position.Y, position.Width, position.Height) rect.BackColor = New PdfColor(240, 240, 0) rect.Transparency = 30 page.Add(rect) Next ' save pdf document Dim pdf As Byte() = doc.Save() ' close pdf document doc.Close() ' return resulted pdf document Dim fileResult As FileResult = New FileContentResult(pdf, "application/pdf") fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Document.pdf" Return fileResult End Function End Class End Namespace