Sample Code VB.NET
Imports SelectPdf Imports System.Drawing Namespace Controllers Public Class PdfTemplatesController Inherits Controller ' GET: PdfTemplates Public Function Index() As ActionResult Return View() End Function <HttpPost> _ Public Function SubmitAction(collection As FormCollection) As ActionResult ' create a new pdf document Dim doc As New PdfDocument() ' create a new pdf font Dim font As PdfFont = doc.AddFont(PdfStandardFont.Helvetica) font.Size = 24 ' add a new page to the document Dim page As PdfPage = doc.AddPage() ' create a new text element and add it to the page Dim text As New PdfTextElement(0, 0, Helper.SomeLongText(), font) page.Add(text) ' get image path Dim imgFile As String = Server.MapPath("~/files/logo.png") ' add a template containing an image ' the image should repeat on all pdf pages automatically Dim template1 As PdfTemplate = doc.AddTemplate(New RectangleF(100, 0, 400, 150)) Dim img1 As New PdfImageElement(0, 0, imgFile) template1.Add(img1) ' add another template containing an image behind the existing page elements ' (under the text) the image should repeat on all pdf pages automatically Dim template2 As PdfTemplate = doc.AddTemplate(New RectangleF(100, 200, 400, 150)) template2.Background = True Dim img2 As New PdfImageElement(0, 0, imgFile) template2.Add(img2) ' save pdf document Dim pdf As Byte() = doc.Save() ' close pdf document doc.Close() ' return resulted pdf document Dim fileResult As FileResult = New FileContentResult(pdf, "application/pdf") fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Document.pdf" Return fileResult End Function End Class End Namespace