This page shows the HTTP POST variables sent to it:
Request method: GET
Sample Code VB.NET
Namespace Controllers Public Class ViewHttpPostDataController Inherits Controller ' GET: ViewHttpPostData Function Index() As ActionResult Dim output As New StringBuilder() output.Append("<br/>Request method: " + Request.HttpMethod + "<br/>") ' Load POST form fields collection. Dim form As NameValueCollection = Request.Form ' Put the names of all keys into a string array. Dim keys As [String]() = form.AllKeys For i As Integer = 0 To keys.Length - 1 output.Append("Name: " + keys(i) + "<br/>") ' Get all values under this key. Dim values As [String]() = form.GetValues(keys(i)) For j As Integer = 0 To values.Length - 1 output.Append("Value: " + values(j) + "<br/>") Next output.Append("<br/>") Next ViewData.Add("PostDataValue", output.ToString()) Return View() End Function End Class End Namespace