How to fix: Conversion failure. Could not find ‘Select.Html.dep’.

(Updated in December 2016).

SelectPdf Html To Pdf Converter needs 2 files to work. They are different for the 2 versions that we offer:

Select.Pdf Library for .NET – Commercial Edition

Select.Pdf for .NET requires the .NET assembly Select.Pdf.dll and if the html to converter is used, an additional file called Select.Html.dep. This file, because it does not have a reference in the project, might not get copied to the deployment destination. To fix the problem, copy Select.Html.dep manually. More details about this here:

SelectPdf Html To Pdf Converter – Community Edition

SelectPdf Html To Pdf converter requires 2 files to work: the .NET assembly Select.HtmlToPdf.dll and an additional file called Select.Html.dep. This file, because it does not have a reference in the project, might not get copied to the deployment destination. To fix the problem, copy Select.Html.dep manually. More details about this here:

IMPORTANT: If you are setting the full path to Select.Html.dep in code using the HtmlEngineFullPath property of the GlobalProperties class, do not forget to include the file name (Select.Html.dep) with the path.

UPDATE (December 2016):

There are special cases that need to be taken into account when deploying applications that use SelectPdf and you get the “Conversion failure. Could not find ‘Select.Html.dep'” error. One is related to One Click deployments (Publish…) from Visual Studio.

To be sure that Select.Html.dep is deployed, add it into the project as a regular file and set the ‘Build Action’ to ‘Content’ and ‘Copy to Output Directory’ to ‘Copy Always’. Rebuild and redeploy your project (make sure that Select.Html.dep.deploy exists in the deployment folder).