SelectPdf Online REST API – Node.js Client Library

Node.jsSelectPdf cloud REST API is a platform independent PDF manipulation API. As a true REST API, it can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Python, Go, Ruby and many more. We are presenting today the dedicated Node.js client library for SelectPdf API.

Using the SelectPdf Online REST API Node.js client library you can easily take advance of the API features offered by SelectPdf:

HTML to PDF REST API – SelectPdf HTML To PDF Online REST API is a professional solution that lets you create PDF from web pages and raw HTML code in your applications.

PDF to TEXT REST API – SelectPdf Pdf To Text REST API is an online solution that lets you extract text from your PDF documents or search your PDF document for certain words.

PDF Merge REST API – SelectPdf Pdf Merge REST API is an online solution that lets you merge local or remote PDFs into a final PDF document.

All these APIs can be easily integrated with Node.js using the dedicated client library.
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SelectPdf Online REST API – Ruby Client Library

Ruby-languageSelectPdf cloud REST API is a platform independent PDF manipulation API. As a true REST API, it can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Python, Go, Node.js and many more. We are presenting today the dedicated Ruby client library for SelectPdf API.

Using the SelectPdf Online REST API Ruby client library you can easily take advance of the API features offered by SelectPdf:

HTML to PDF REST API – SelectPdf HTML To PDF Online REST API is a professional solution that lets you create PDF from web pages and raw HTML code in your applications.

PDF to TEXT REST API – SelectPdf Pdf To Text REST API is an online solution that lets you extract text from your PDF documents or search your PDF document for certain words.

PDF Merge REST API – SelectPdf Pdf Merge REST API is an online solution that lets you merge local or remote PDFs into a final PDF document.

All these APIs can be easily integrated with Ruby using the dedicated client library.
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SelectPdf Online REST API – Perl Client Library

perl_logoSelectPdf Online REST API is a professional solution for managing PDF documents online. It now has a dedicated, easy to use, Perl client library that can be setup in minutes.

SelectPdf cloud API consists of the following:

HTML to PDF REST API – SelectPdf HTML To PDF Online REST API is a professional solution that lets you create PDF from web pages and raw HTML code in your applications.

PDF to TEXT REST API – SelectPdf Pdf To Text REST API is an online solution that lets you extract text from your PDF documents or search your PDF document for certain words.

PDF Merge REST API – SelectPdf Pdf Merge REST API is an online solution that lets you merge local or remote PDFs into a final PDF document.

All these APIs can be easily integrated with Perl using the dedicated client library.
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SelectPdf Library for .NET – 2021 vol 1

selectpdfSelectPdf Library for .NET – 2021 Vol 1 has just been released. Together with the full featured PDF library, the community edition of our SelectPdf Free Html To Pdf Converter for .NET v21.1 was also released.

SelectPdf has full .NET Core and .NET 5 support available for both SelectPdf Commercial Library and Community Edition. The .NET Core version supports .NET Core 2.0 and above (through .NET Standard 2.0) on Windows systems.

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SelectPdf Library for .NET – 2020 vol 2

selectpdfSelectPdf Library for .NET – 2020 Vol 2 has just been released. Together with the full featured PDF library, the community edition of our SelectPdf Free Html To Pdf Converter for .NET v20.2 was also released.

SelectPdf has full .NET Core support available for both SelectPdf Commercial Library and Community Edition. The .NET Core version supports .NET Core 2.0 and above (through .NET Standard 2.0) on Windows systems.

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SelectPdf Library for .NET – 2020 vol 1

selectpdfSelectPdf Library for .NET – 2020 Vol 1 has just been released, containing new features and samples, plus speed improvements. SelectPdf has full .NET Core support available for both SelectPdf Commercial Library and Community Edition. The .NET Core version supports .NET Core 2.0 and above (through .NET Standard 2.0) on Windows systems.

Together with the full featured PDF library, the community edition of our SelectPdf Free Html To Pdf Converter for .NET v20.1 was also released.

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Html To Pdf with .NET Core and Azure Functions

SelectPdf and Azure FunctionsAzure Functions allows you to run small pieces of code (called “functions”) without worrying about application infrastructure. With Azure Functions, the cloud infrastructure provides all the up-to-date servers you need to keep your application running at scale.

SelectPdf offered a .NET Core version for some time, but although it worked on some types of Azure deployments, it was not supported on Azure functions, due to some platform restrictions.

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SelectPdf Library for .NET – 2019 vol 2

selectpdfSelectPdf Library for .NET – 2019 Vol 2 has just been released. Together with the full featured PDF library, the community edition of our SelectPdf Free Html To Pdf Converter for .NET v19.2 was also released.

SelectPdf has full .NET Core support available for both SelectPdf Commercial Library and Community Edition. The .NET Core version supports .NET Core 2.0 and above (through .NET Standard 2.0) on Windows systems.

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SelectPdf Library for .NET – 2019 vol 1 (Now with Blink Rendering Engine)

selectpdfSelectPdf Library for .NET – 2019 Vol 1 has just been released. Together with the full featured PDF library, the community edition of our SelectPdf Free Html To Pdf Converter for .NET v19.1 was also released.

SelectPdf has now .NET Core support available for both SelectPdf Commercial Library and Community Edition. The .NET Core version supports .NET Core 2.0 and above (through .NET Standard 2.0) on Windows systems.

Blink rendering engine (beta) was introduced in SelectPdf for .NET Core and .NET Framework (targeting 4.6.1 or newer).

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SelectPdf Library for .NET – 2018 vol 4

selectpdfSelectPdf Library for .NET – 2018 Vol 4 has just been released. Together with the full featured PDF library, the community edition of our SelectPdf Free Html To Pdf Converter for .NET v18.4 was also released.

SelectPdf has now .NET Core support available for both SelectPdf Commercial Library and Community Edition. The .NET Core version supports .NET Core 2.0 and above (through .NET Standard 2.0) on Windows systems.

Support for Microsoft Azure Web Apps is now available for both SelectPdf Commercial Library and Community Edition. The release also contains overall speed improvements and bug fixes. The 2 products can be downloaded from our website or via NuGet.

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